Mom said I need to blog so here I go blogging.
We started Intensives last week which are 3 days of lectures from about 830-530 With a few breaks in between. I love it the lectures are amazing and are the pastors giving the lectures. This Tuesday starts another week of intensives then next week starts our classes. I got my "allocations" (which is a fancy word for where I will be serving in church". My field work is Hillsong Creative Choir, I will serve in the choir 2 services on the weekends. My church life (which is my service during the week) is Youth Alive. Youth Alive is an all of Australia thing. There are huge events put on to reach students from all Australia. One event coming in September is The Big Exo Day it's gonna be balling! You can check out the website at for youth alive at http://youthalive.com.au/ and you can check out what the Big Exo day is at
http://www.thebigexoday.com/asimplefaith/index.htm SO Yea I'm stoked about my allocations and being able to start serving at church.
We went to Parkleas market the other day it was about a 30 minute walk, but we got alot of fruits and veggies for cheap rather than at the grocery store. I've talked to my friend Malarie and we've decided that we'll shop there for fruits and veggies from now on. haha
Jobs... So no job yet, which is fine with me, for now. There's a Mcdonalds opening up at the shopping center nearby maybe i'll apply there or Gloria Jeans or the Call center. Weird thing last night I had a dream that this lady at church offered me a job as Creative Director.... Prophetic? hmmm haha I dunno I'm not worried though. I just think I need to be a little more persistent on that though.
Really cool, yesterday I found 5 dollars that my mom gave me along with a necklace she sent and I was so stoked! So Yesterday during church I was thinking should I put it in the offering because I haven't really tithed and what not. But I thought no, I need eggs so I'll get eggs and tithe what I have left over in the night service, then it hit me. NO! God doesn't deserve my leftovers. He stinking Provided me with the 5 dollars in the first place.. (He holds the Large bag of skittles anyway) How dare I. So I went back and forth no joke, about 5 times while the bucket is coming down the Isle, thinking "should I just give the 3 dollars I'll get back from the eggs"...." No, I'll give it, and it was really hard but I gave it. I hate that It seemed so hard. Any we ate on the back patio of the house for lunch and I found a 2 dollar coin!!! God so takes care of me. But why don't I just believe it? Even if I didn't find those 2 dollars God is totally worth it, he deserves it all. Like in Daniel 3 when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego told Nebuchadnezzar
"IF it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king." v.17
....listen carefully it's getting good.......
"But Even if he does not, let it be known to you, O king that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up." v.18
I was talking to a couple of my friends about how it's easier for me to have faith that God is going to provide for someone else than it is to believe he will take care of me. I have no idea why that is, but I'm working on it, or should I say God's still working on me.
Anyway that's it for today.... Give God all you have all your Glory, Praise and Money ;) And Give it with a joyful heart, and expectant heart and humble heart. DO everything you do with excellence, because He deserves it!
He's so worthy.
Julie. <3